Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another Thought

To me, sociological imagination and mindfulness seem to appear at two opposite points in life. The imagination part, that ability to realize that your world effects you, is seemingly like being aware of all of the changes that can occur in one's life, similar to the reading about the Italian village. Just the other day, my uncle, who lives in Texas, was telling me that his neighbor's kids had been dumbfounded by the sight of a dusting of snow on their lawn. I tried to imagine how I would react to seeing snow for the first time, but I found myself unable to describe the feeling. Perhaps it is because my world is so used to seeing snow, especially with the chilly winter we've had. At the same time, I was able to connect this event to sociological mindfulness, just like Schwabe tried to do. Perhaps the way that those children reacted to the snow influenced others around their community to act the same way. At the same time, it is important to realize that every action one takes effects not only their own lives, but the lives of those around them. This concept really popped into my mind when I talked to my uncle. Maybe it is a coincidence that I heard the story just in time to write this post!!


  1. I like your example of sociological imagination with your uncles neighbors in Texas with the snow!

  2. Nice example! Its funny cause we expect snow every winter and in other places it is like a complete shock if they get even just a little.
